일단은 html_graphs.php3 의 내용입니다.
$html_graphs_included = 1;
# $Id: html_graphs.php3,v 1.3 1998/06/17 23:37:19 pdavis Exp $
# $Author: pdavis $
# $Locker: $
# $Date: 1998/06/17 23:37:19 $
# $Source: J:\programs\PHP/RCS/html_graphs.php3,v $
# $Revision: 1.3 $
# $State: Exp $
# $Log: html_graphs.php3,v $
# Revision 1.3 1998/06/17 23:37:19 pdavis
# Added mixed color codes and images to double graph.
# Revision 1.2 1998/06/17 21:20:20 pdavis
# Fixed Background problem, added mixed color codes and graphics.
# Revision 1.1 1998/06/17 15:52:41 pdavis
# Initial revision
# *
# * Phil Davis
# *
# * Smyrna, Tennessee 37167 USA
# *
# * pdavis@pobox.com
# * http://www.pobox.com/~pdavis/
# *
# (C) Copyright 1998
# Phil Davis
# Printed in the United States of America
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License version 2 as published by the Free
# Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will
# be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# Released under GNU Public License v2.0, available
# at www.fsf.org. The author hereby disclaims all
# warranties relating to this software, express or implied,
# including with no limitation any implied warranties of
# merchantability, quality performance, or fitness for a
# particular purpose. The author and their distributors
# shall not be liable for any special, incidental,
# consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss
# of data, even if an agent of the author has been found
# to be the source of loss or damage. In no event shall the
# author’s liability for any damages ever exceed the price
# paid for the license to use software, regardless of the
# form of the claim. The person using the software bears all
# risk as to the quality and performance of the software.
# Swim at your own risk!
# This software program, documentation, accompanying
# written and disk-based notes and specifications, and all
# referenced and related program files, screen display
# renditions, and text files, are the property of the
# author.
# The authors have done their best to insure that the
# material found in this document is both useful and
# accurate. However, please be aware that errors may exist,
# the author does not make any guarantee concerning the
# accuracy of the information found here or in the uses
# to which it may be put.
# About:
# The following PHP3 code provides a nice class interface for
# html graphs. It provides a single, reasonably consistent
# interface for creating HTML based graphs. The idea behind
# this code is that the user of the class sets up four or five
# arrays and pass these to html_graph() which then takes
# care of all the messy HTML layout. I am reasonably happy
# with the outcome of this interface. The HTML that must be
# generated for HTML graphs *is* messy, and the interface is
# very clean and flexible. I think that once you generate
# one graph with it, you’ll never look at creating HTML graphs
# the same. The arrays that must be set up consist of:
# * A names array containing column/row identifiers ($names)
# * One or two values arrays containg corresponding
# values to the column/row names ($values & $dvalues)
# * One or two bars array which also corresponds to the names
# array. The values in these arrays are URLS to graphics
# or color codes starting with a # which will be used to
# generate the graph bar. Color codes and graphics may
# be mixed in the same chart, although color codes can’t
# be used on Vertical charts. ($bars & $dbars)
# * The heart of customization… a vals array. If this
# array isn’t created then html_graphs will use all
# default values for the chart. Items that are customizable
# include font styles & colors, backgrounds, graphics,
# labels, cellspacing, cellpadding, borders, anotations
# and scaling factor. ($vals)
# Known Bugs:
# * Currently the $vals[background] tag element doesn’t
# work in Netscape.
# To Do:
# * Would like to make the $vals array to html_graph() completely
# optional. Currently it has to at least be an empty array.
# Contact:
# If you have questions, suggestions, bugs, bug fixes, or enhancements
# please send them to pdavis@pobox.com so that they may be wrapped into
# future versions of HTML_Graph.
# Examples:
# See http://www.pobox.com/~pdavis/programs/
# Function: html_graph($names, $values, $bars, $vals[, $dvalues, $dbars])
# Purpose: Calls routines to initialize defaults, set up table
# print data, and close table.
# Arguments:
# $names – Array of element names.
# $values – Array of corresponding values for elements.
# $bars – Array of corresponding graphic image names
# or color codes (begining with a #) for elements.
# Color codes can’t be used on vertical charts.
# $dvalues – Array of corresponding values for elements.
# This set is required only in the double graph.
# $dbars – Array of corresponding graphic image names
# or color codes (begining with a #) for elements.
# This set is required only in the double graph.
# $vals – array(“vlabel”=>””,
# “hlabel”=>””,
# “type”=>””,
# “cellpadding”=>””,
# “cellspacing”=>””,
# “border”=>””,
# “width”=>””,
# “background”=>””,
# “vfcolor”=>””,
# “hfcolor”=>””,
# “vbgcolor”=>””,
# “hbgcolor”=>””,
# “vfstyle”=>””,
# “hfstyle”=>””,
# “noshowvals”=>””,
# “scale”=>””,
# “namebgcolor”=>””,
# “valuebgcolor”=>””,
# “namefcolor”=>””,
# “valuefcolor”=>””,
# “namefstyle”=>””,
# “valuefstyle”=>””
# “doublefcolor”=>””)
# Where:
# vlabel – Vertical Label to apply
# default is NUL
# hlabel – Horizontal Label to apply
# default is NUL
# type – Type of graph
# 0 = horizontal
# 1 = vertical
# 2 = double horizontal
# default is 0
# cellpadding – Padding for the overall table
# default is 0
# cellspacing – Space for the overall table
# default is 0
# border – Border size for the overall table
# default is 0
# width – Width of the overall table
# default is NUL
# background – Background image for the overall table
# If this value exists then no BGCOLOR
# codes will be added to table elements.
# default is NUL
# vfcolor – Vertical label font color
# default is #000000
# hfcolor – Horizontal label font color
# default is #000000
# vbgcolor – Vertical label background color
# Not used if background is set
# default is #FFFFFF
# hbgcolor – Horizontal label background color
# Not used if background is set
# default is #FFFFFF
# vfstyle – Vertical label font style
# default is NUL
# hfstyle – Horizontal label font style
# default is NUL
# noshowvals – Don’t show numeric value at end of graphic
# Boolean value, default is FALSE
# scale – Scale values by some number.
# default is 1.
# namebgcolor – Color code for element name cells
# Not used if background is set
# default is “#000000”
# valuebgcolor – Color code for value cells
# Not used if background is set
# default is “#000000”
# namefcolor – Color code for font of name element
# default is “#FFFFFF”
# valuefcolor – Color code for font of value element
# default is “#000000”
# namefstyle – Style code for font of name element
# default is NUL
# valuefstyle – Style code for font of value element
# default is NUL
# doublefcolor – Color code for font of second element value
# default is “#886666”
function html_graph($names, $values, $bars, $vals, $dvalues=0, $dbars=0)
// Set the values that the user didn’t
$vals = hv_graph_defaults($vals);
start_graph($vals, $names);
if ($vals[type] == 0) {
horizontal_graph($names, $values, $bars, $vals);
} elseif ($vals[type] == 1) {
vertical_graph($names, $values, $bars, $vals);
} elseif ($vals[type] == 2) {
double_horizontal_graph($names, $values, $bars, $vals, $dvalues, $dbars);
# Function: start_graph($vals, $names)
# Purpose: Prints out the table header and graph labels.
function start_graph($vals, $names)
echo “
print “
print ” cellspacing=$vals[cellspacing]”;
print ” border=$vals[border]”;
if ($vals[width] != 0) { print ” width=$vals[width]”; }
if ($vals[background]) { print ” background=$vals[background]”; }
print “>
if (($vals[vlabel]) || ($vals[hlabel])) {
if (($vals[type] == 0) || ($vals[type] == 2 )) { // horizontal chart
$rowspan = sizeof($names) + 1;
$colspan = 3;
} elseif ($vals[type] == 1) { // vertical chart
$rowspan = 3;
$colspan = sizeof($names) + 1;
print “
if (!$vals[background]) { print “bgcolor=$vals[hbgcolor]”; }
print ” colspan=$colspan>”;
print ““;
print “$vals[hlabel]“;
print “
print “
if (!$vals[background]) { print “bgcolor=$vals[vbgcolor]”; }
print ” ROWSPAN=$rowspan>”;
print ““;
print “$vals[vlabel]“;
print “
# Function: end_graph()
# Purpose: Prints out the table footer.
function end_graph()
print “
# Function: hv_graph_defaults($vals)
# Purpose: Sets the default values for the $vals array
function hv_graph_defaults($vals)
if (!$vals[vfcolor]) { $vals[vfcolor]=”#000000″; }
if (!$vals[hfcolor]) { $vals[hfcolor]=”#000000″; }
if (!$vals[vbgcolor]) { $vals[vbgcolor]=”#FFFFFF”; }
if (!$vals[hbgcolor]) { $vals[hbgcolor]=”#FFFFFF”; }
if (!$vals[cellpadding]) { $vals[cellpadding]=0; }
if (!$vals[cellspacing]) { $vals[cellspacing]=0; }
if (!$vals[border]) { $vals[border]=0; }
if (!$vals[scale]) { $vals[scale]=1; }
if (!$vals[namebgcolor]) { $vals[namebgcolor]=”#FFFFFF”; }
if (!$vals[valuebgcolor]) { $vals[valuebgcolor]=”#FFFFFF”; }
if (!$vals[namefcolor]) { $vals[namefcolor]=”#000000″; }
if (!$vals[valuefcolor]) { $vals[valuefcolor]=”#000000″; }
if (!$vals[doublefcolor]) { $vals[doublefcolor]=”#886666″; }
return ($vals);
# Function: horizontal_graph($names, $values, $bars, $vals)
# Purpose: Prints out the actual data for the horizontal chart.
function horizontal_graph($names, $values, $bars, $vals)
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($values); $i++) {
if (! $vals[background]) { print ‘ BGCOLOR=”‘ . $vals[namebgcolor] . ‘”‘; }
if (! $vals[background]) { print ‘ BGCOLOR=”‘ . $vals[valuebgcolor] . ‘”‘; }
// Decide if the value in bar is a color code or image.
if (ereg(“^#”, $bars[$i])) {
$width = $values[$i] * $vals[scale];
} else {
print ‘
if (! $vals[noshowvals]) {
print ‘ print ‘ STYLE=”‘ . $vals[valuefstyle] . ‘”>(‘;
print $values[$i] . “)“;
# Function: vertical_graph($names, $values, $bars, $vals)
# Purpose: Prints out the actual data for the vertical chart.
function vertical_graph($names, $values, $bars, $vals)
print “
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($values); $i++) {
print “
if (!$vals[background]) { print ” BGCOLOR=$vals[valuebgcolor]”; }
print “>”;
if (!$vals[noshowvals]) {
print “
print ” style=”$vals[valuefstyle]”>($values[$i])
$height = $values[$i] * $vals[scale];
“); //gif그래프에서 이동하기
print “
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($values); $i++) {
if (!$vals[background]) { print ” BGCOLOR=$vals[namebgcolor]”; }
# Function: double_horizontal_graph($names, $values, $bars,
# $vals, $dvalues, $dbars)
# Purpose: Prints out the actual data for the double horizontal chart.
function double_horizontal_graph($names,$values,$bars,$vals,$dvalues,$dbars)
for( $i=0;$i
if (! $vals[background]) { print ‘ BGCOLOR=”‘ . $vals[namebgcolor] . ‘”‘; }
// If a background was choosen don’t print cell BGCOLOR
if (! $vals[background]) { print ‘ BGCOLOR=’ . $vals[valuebgcolor]; }
$width = $dvalues[$i] * $vals[scale];
// Set background to a color if it starts with # or |
} else {
print ‘
if (! $vals[noshowvals]) {
print ‘
print ‘ STYLE=”‘ . $vals[valuefstyle] . ‘”>(‘;
print $values[$i] . “)“;
if (! $vals[noshowvals])
print ‘ print ‘ STYLE=”‘ . $vals[valuefstyle] . ‘”>(‘;
print $dvalues[$i] . “)“;
} // endfor
} // end double_horizontal_graph
graph.php3에서 위의 파일을 include해서 아래에서 설정만 하면
그래프가 나와서 세로 막대,가로 막대 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
if (!$html_graphs_included) {
$names = array(“SDS”, “LG-EDS”, “DITCO”, “BIT”, “H&C”, “Other”,”AAA”,”BBB”,”CCC”,”DDD”,”EEE”,”FFF”,”GGG”,”WWW”,”ZZZ”);
$values = array(1250,1100,1000,870,650,300,500,400,100,100,100,200,300,400,400);
$largest = 1300;
$bars = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($values); $i++) {
$bars[$i] = “bar.gif”;
$graph_vals = array(
“type”=>1, // vertical graph
“vbgcolor”=>”#000000”, //조회 배경 색깔
“hbgcolor”=>”#000000”, //은행 배경 색깔
“namebgcolor”=>”#000000”); //x축 배경 색깔
html_graph($names, $values, $bars, $graph_vals);