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Publishing an Ezine

by Merle

Probably the most valuable form of online marketing there is. Ezines can put you in the perfect postion in a one to one marketing environment. The ability to get to know your customers and create online loyalty is a position every business should be striving for.

  1. Establishes Trust: When people visit your website, they have no idea who you are. As far as they’re concerned you might be some evil person lying in wait, just trying to get your hands on their credit card number so you can run up the national debt. The media is partially to blame for this unfounded fear, but you need to be aware it exists and get those visitors to trust you in order to turn them into paying customers. Publishing an ezine helps to establish you as a reputable business dealer and over time, inspires trust.

  2. Brings Visitors Back: Statistics show a customer needs to see your advertising message six or seven times before making a purchase. But how do you get a casual browser to come back? When someone signs up for your ezine, the mailing itself will serve as a reminder to revisit again and again, eventually turning your subscribers into paying customers.

  3. Establishes You as an Expert and Builds Brand Loyalty: Just because you’re in business on the web, does that really mean you know what you’re talking about? By publishing a newsletter and writing your own articles, subscribers will come to see you as an expert in your field. This and the familiarity they feel from reading your newsletter will reinforce brand loyalty to your site, turning many of your current subscribers into future customers.

  4. Keeps Current & Potential Customers Up to Date on New Products & Services: We all add on to our current list of products and services on a regular basis. Pricing may change, we may add new sections of interest to our websites, etc. Your publications allow you to share this important information with current and potential customers keeping them up to date and possibly bringing them back for a new sale. Nothing is worse than having a client tell you he went to one of your competitors because he didn’t know you offered that same service or product.

  5. Builds Relationships: Let’s face it — Building a relationship takes time. Ezine publishing is one avenue towards doing so. I can’t tell you how often I get an email from someone who feels she knows me after subscribing to my ezine for the past year or so. Relationship marketing is important on the Web and publishing your own newsletter will help you do just that. The truth is, we’d rather spend our money with someone we like than someone we don’t know.

  6. Allows You to Build an Opt-In Email Marketing List: Repeat after me: Spam is bad, opt-in is good. You can’t buy a list of names and start blasting out your marketing message to people you don’t know without getting yourself into a lot of trouble. But if those people have opted in to your ezine they have given you “permission” to send them email. They’re an attentive audience who has already said they want to hear from you on a regular basis. You never want to abuse this right, but if you send out helpful information you’ll be able to plug your company in between the lines without making anyone angry.

  7. Keeps Your Website Fresh in Visitors’ Minds: Have you ever gone to a website and really liked it, only to forget about it later? Sure, you may have bookmarked the site, but maybe you haven’t gone through your bookmarks in a long time. I love when I get an ezine from one of my favorite sites, which serves as a trigger to “pop in” for a re-visit. This technique of “reminding” someone about your site is important; it really helps to keep a constant flow of traffic returning to your website.

Ezine publishing is one of the most effective marketing tools online today. Not only is it powerful it’s probably one of the most cost-effective tools you can use in promoting your website. If you haven’t tried it, it’s never too late to start. Publishing your own newsletter can be one of the most rewarding tasks you perform….not just financially, but also personally. You’ll get a warm and fuzzy feeling from all of the people you’ll be helping…..and that, my friend, is a reward in itself.

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Written by Merle. www.ezineadauction.com “Where the Best Deals in Ezine Advertising are Made” Subscribe to Ezine Ad Auction Authority and be kept up to date on new auctions as they’re added and much more.

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